Friday, May 4, 2007


The Jerusalem skyline would not be complete without this little glimpse of the so-called "separation barrier".

You are looking at the view from West Jerusalem eastward towards the neighbourhood of Abu Dis. In the very distance, if you look carefully, the Jordanian mountains on the eastern bank of the Dead Sea.

Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

The separation barrier echoes the modern failures of neighbors. It is a shame things like this have to happen—a kind of festering sore in the minds of people that is very difficult to overcome. Your photograph of it and the surrounding countryside give me a look at the place I would never have been able to see. Thanks for that.

Dina said...

it is really a shame when there are borders...... in a dream world we should all live happily together accepting each other the way we are and enjoying life which is only given to us once

Anonymous said...

Hi There,

I am writing with a somewhat strange request. I am working on US TV segment on Israel and would like to ask your permission to use this photo. Are you interested in contributing to our show?

I can be reached at

Many thanks,
