Thursday, April 26, 2007

Holy Smoke

This door is situated just below the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre - the smell of incense and candle smoke is all around.
The Church is considered by many to be the most significant Christian site in the city, maybe even in the entire Holy Land...


dave_rein said...

That lightbeam view is quite awesome.

Deb said...

beautiful beam of smoke and light!

Anonymous said...

A very nice photograph. I like what you are doing. It would seem you have a very large studio all set up and waiting for you to make your rounds.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Mandi said...

Beautiful photo. Love the lightbeam. So who were the characters in the mosaic photo??

Daniel Hasson said...

Hey Mandi. Regarding the characters in the photo: If you look carefully you can see a man with a golden halo kissing another man's hand. It makes sense that is the hand of Jesus, but who is the other person? I read the segments of the gospel that deal with the crucification and discovered something really interesting: Only John (19:39)mentions two men present when the body of Jesus was taken off the Cross - Joseph (a deciple who got permission to take the body down and prepare it for burial) and his aide Nicodemus. Based on that, I'd say it's Nicodemus kissing Jesus' hand. But if that is so, how come only John refers to him?
I could never have known that such a simple photo could begin to unravel such a mystery. If anyone wants to continue this discussion with me please contact me at