Saturday, May 19, 2007

Dearest readers,

Jerusalem daily photo is going to be taking a holiday for the next 2 weeks. I am getting married on the 24th!

Hope to see you all soon.



Anonymous said...

Oh shucks! Marriage can last forever. Just think of it. My Patty and I have been married for the last 52 (will be 53) years. That is more than half a hundred years. And we got kids over 50. That's half a century.

The only problem with marriage, besides that it can last forever, is of course you keep getting older and older and older. And one day, after you have been married for 52 years, the wedding date is not much more than a blurred memory of how things were. Not at all how things are in the here and now.

I wish you luck. You will need some. I wish you much success. You will need lots of little successes. I wish you a house-full of little babies. You might get some of them too.


From the old married couple...

Abe and Patty Lincoln

Don't forget to take the camera along.

isa said...

Congratulations and best wishes!

Carol E. said...

Best wishes. Have loads of fun on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together. It's a great journey!! (coming up on 32 years married this summer)

Anonymous said...

congratulations! will u be having the ceremony in Israel?

lv2scpbk said...

Cute photo and congratulations on the wedding.

Mandi said...

I'll miss seeing your blog. Mazal Tov for the big day.

poody said...

congratulations! Or la haim! Sorry I am gentile and only know a few words in Yiddish and then probably not the right ones so if I just insulted you or your family sorry!

Anonymous said...

Hello I live in Bialystok from Poland. Your photoblogs is very interesting. I liked it. You looking on my photoblogs. Bye bye.

Annie said...

Happy wishes to you and your bride.

alice said...

Best wishes! Beaucoup de bonheur!

Esther said...

Mazal tov. if a little late